THGA is Looking for a Few Good Partners!

Texas Hemp Growers Association (THGA) is looking for partners to help us grow. We are farmers who love the land we steward and want to be a part of the solution by providing you with a local source for food that also offers alternatives to single use plastics, building products, biocomposites, paper products, and so much more. As a consumer, we know you also want to be a part of this solution.

 We can’t get going without your help. There is no time to waste. The need is now, but so is the solution.

Hemp Problems




Hemp Benefits




How Do I Join the Movement for a Sustainable Future for Both the Earth and the Farmer?

Texas seed trials are vital, and we need your help to keep it going.

Ready to Donate Today?

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About Seed Trials


Seed trials are small plots that farmers set aside to grow and test new seed varieties. It costs about $250,000 to run a proper seed trial.


Before growing acres and acres of a new seed, farmers need to know how a plant will respond to their environment by answering questions such as:

  • Will it grow? Some hemp varieties from northern latitudes would only grow a few inches in Texas.
  • We need to know which varieties will grow the best in the South Plains.
  • Will this variety give us the fiber in quality and quantity we need for end products? Each product requires specific amounts and specifications.
  • What are the needs of this plant? Water, weed control, nutrients?
  • What will hemp put back into the soil? Will it improve the yield of the crops that are grown the next year?


  • Ten volunteer farmers will grow 30 acres of multiple varieties from China, Ukrainian, and Mediterranean countries.
  • They will be paid up front per acre to guarantee they will not lose the income from those acres.
  • Farmers will cover all growing costs.
  • Each variety will be tested separately to discover its advantages and disadvantages.