THGA is Looking for a Few Good Partners!
Texas Hemp Growers Association (THGA) is looking for partners to help us grow. We are farmers who love the land we steward and want to be a part of the solution by providing you with a local source for food that also offers alternatives to single use plastics, building products, biocomposites, paper products, and so much more. As a consumer, we know you also want to be a part of this solution.
We can’t get going without your help. There is no time to waste. The need is now, but so is the solution.
Hemp Problems
- Can’t get insurance the first year hemp is grown
- Know hemp will grow on the High Plains, but which varieties grow best here?
- Bankers are reluctant to lead before we know what varieties will grow on the High Plains
- Determining which varieties are best for plastics replacements or building products
- Hemp doesn’t qualify for subsidies, which are the difference between what it costs to farm a crop and what the market will pay. It is what keeps consumer cost low.
- Want a sustainable alternative to plastics
- Want to live and work in buildings safe for people and the earth
- Are willing to pay a fair price for alternatives if it’s also a reasonable price
- Corporations won’t provide greener options to consumers if they cost more.
- Want to know where food and plant-based products come from and how they are grown
- Climate change has created a change in our weather patterns. It doesn’t rain like it once did.
- We must preserve our most precious resource: water.
- Carbon sequestering is vital for the environment, and hemp is really good at that.
Hemp Benefits
- New option for a financially sustainable crop
- New option for crop rotation
- New commodity = less of other commodities grown = less supply = higher prices for farmers on their other crops
- Carbon Credit programs will provide hemp farmers with a new value stream when growing hemp
- Farmers could have ownership in new end products: buy direct from farmers.
- Move the consumer and the farmer closer together: buy paper, building supplies, green plastics directly from the farmer.
- You know where your products are coming from.
- You help create the demand that builds a local supply chain.
- You ensure that growing crops that are sustainable for the earth is a financially viable option for farmers.
- Carbon capture through hemp farming and hemp building products
- Breeding (not GMO) of hemp can create drought-tolerant choices that save our most precious commodity, water.
- Farmers can grow solutions to the plastics problem, from overhead door bins in planes to car door panels and many items in between.

How Do I Join the Movement for a Sustainable Future for Both the Earth and the Farmer?
- Learn what choices a farmer faces to ensure they make a living.
- Tell big retailers you want a solution to the plastics problem. Demand a change.
- Support builders experimenting with green building options.
- Join organizations that support research in farming that sustains both the environment and the family farm: Texas Hemp Growers Association, US Hemp Growers Association, Midwest Hemp Counsel, Hemp Feed Coalition
- Contribute to research directly!
Texas seed trials are vital, and we need your help to keep it going.

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About Seed Trials
Seed trials are small plots that farmers set aside to grow and test new seed varieties. It costs about $250,000 to run a proper seed trial.
Before growing acres and acres of a new seed, farmers need to know how a plant will respond to their environment by answering questions such as:
- Will it grow? Some hemp varieties from northern latitudes would only grow a few inches in Texas.
- We need to know which varieties will grow the best in the South Plains.
- Will this variety give us the fiber in quality and quantity we need for end products? Each product requires specific amounts and specifications.
- What are the needs of this plant? Water, weed control, nutrients?
- What will hemp put back into the soil? Will it improve the yield of the crops that are grown the next year?
- Ten volunteer farmers will grow 30 acres of multiple varieties from China, Ukrainian, and Mediterranean countries.
- They will be paid up front per acre to guarantee they will not lose the income from those acres.
- Farmers will cover all growing costs.
- Each variety will be tested separately to discover its advantages and disadvantages.